The Emergency Jewel Fund


We’re here to support New York any way we can. Your donations go straight to community resources so everyone who needs support receives it.

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All donations will go directly to non-profits who provide healthcare, relief, food and more to New Yorkers who have been affected by COVID-19. We also donate on an application basis to individuals who either lack sufficient healthcare, food, or struggle economically because of COVID-19.

All donations are 100% tax deductible.

Where do we send your $?

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City Harvest. Designated an essential service by Governor Cuomo and New York State, City Harvest, New York City’s private response to hunger and largest food rescue organization, has mobilized to feed children, families, and all of our neighbors in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Local Mask Making Initiative. One of our volunteers is connected with a network of NYC residents who have access to industrial sewing machines. Together they make masks for hours a day and then deliver them to hospitals, who are in dire needs of masks to protect healthcare workers and others who work in hospitals. They’ve made 1,054 masks, plus more caps and gowns so far. You can buy a mask here.

Invisible Hands. Invisible Hands is a group of engaged volunteers from communities at the least risk for severe COVID-19 reactions working to bring groceries and supplies to those in high-risk demographics. We’re focused most prominently on the elderly, disabled, and immunocompromised, but are available to help anyone in need.

World Central Kitchen. WCK is working across America to safely distribute individually packaged, fresh meals in communities that need support – for children and families to pick up and take home, as well as delivery to seniors who cannot venture outside. WCK is now active in dozens of cities providing nearly 200,000 fresh meals every day.

Loveland Therapy Fund provides financial assistance to Black women and girls nationally seeking therapy hoping to lift the barriers affecting access to treatment by members of diverse ethnic and racial groups.

Activation Residency, in their words: “We are a resilient collective. We aim to generate, adapt, and create. Our healing and gathering generate new ways of being in the world. We iterate and transmute. By cultivating collective consciousness, we aim to activate the creative practice of each participating artist. We are redistributing creative access from elitist structures and meritocratic frameworks to serve marginalized artists and communities. We seek to catalyze imaginative access, survivability, and abundance. We dream collective care into existence by prioritizing the imaginations of those whose realities are stunted by systemic oppression. Care is central. We harness and own the means of production, we facilitate access, we are compensated for our labor. Rest is practice, and care is horizontal. Activation is a portal through which to access collective abundance in real and future times.”

The Okra Project is a collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People wherever we can reach them. During the Middle Passage, our African ancestors snuck okra onto captive ships to sustain themselves and plant in the new world. Black Diasporic cooking traditions often use the okra plant for its versatility and it is often associated with health, prosperity, and community. In this spirit, The Okra Project hopes to extend free, delicious, and nutritious meals to Black Trans people experiencing food insecurity.


Did you know we’re also sending virtual meditations, yoga and more?

Our teachers banded together to create hours of videos that have been sent directly to non-profits who serve New Yorkers in need who are isolated due to medical conditions, and to support the essential workers who are caring for them! The videos are short meditations, acupressure for stress, yoga, and deep breathing guidance in English and Spanish.

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Do you know a non-profit with staff or clients that need these videos? Let us know.


Places we’ve already supported:


Do you need personal assistance?

We provide discounted and free memberships, scholarships, and we can provide funds if you are personally struggling due to COVID-19.